Cheers - EUC 2001
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Is is traditional at the end of a game to 'cheer' the other team, regardless of whether you won or lost. Cheers are usually of the form of some sort of song, usually a well known song with the words altered, and finishing with some form of 3 hip-hoorays. Below are the cheers we used at EUC 2001. 

Game 1: Lost to Sydney ("Leonard") 15-5

Tune: Wimoweh

We dropped the disc, we dropped the disc, we dropped the disc, we dropped the disc.

In the paddock,
the team's erratic,
the girls have not shown up.

Scott took a wrong turn,
between here and Windang,
and now they've gone up north.

Are we-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e meant to play at 10 or is it 12 or maybe 1?
Are we-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e meant to play at 10 or is it 12 or maybe 1?

We named the force,
John said: "Which way is the mountain?",
as they scored again.

In the paddock,
they mighty paddock,
Leonard hunts today.

Game 2: Beat Macquarie

Only enough time for 3 cheers.

Game 3: Lost to ANU

If someone has this cheer, can they pass it on to me.

Game 4: Lost to UNSW

Song: A few of my favourite things - Sound of Music

Raindrops on Flinders will make the field muddy.
Layouts are softer causing shirts to be cruddy.
Can't you see we are having some fun.
We are so glad that this game is done.

When the disc falls.
When the siren calls.
When we're feeling sad.
We simply remember this epic game.
And then we don't feel so bad.

Game 5: Lost to UNSW ("Fui")

Tune: TBohemiam Rhapsody - Queen

I see a little Fui waiting on the line
Got a disc, got a disc
Are we forcing poll or mountain?

Forehands of lightning
Hammers are frightening, me.

(Girls + Dave) Throw it to me.
(Guys) Throw it to me.
(Girls + Dave) Throw it to me.
(Guys) Throw it to me.


We need a phrase to fit into this space.
More beer, more beer, more beer.

(Musical interlude - air guitar)

So you think you can huck it and leave us to dive.
So you think you can beat us and make us cry.

Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh, Fui!
Can't do this to us Fui!
Just go to get out, just got to get down to the pub.

Game 6: Lost to Wollongong

If someone has this cheer, can they pass it on to me.

Game 7: Beat Macquarie (17-7)

If someone has this cheer, can they pass it on to me.