November 2000
Home Up

27th November 2000

Apologies for not getting this info up sooner.

External Relations Christmas Party - External Relations (a department of the Uni) are having a party, and we have been asked to put on a demo game and disc throwing competition. It will be held on Ray Watt Oval (at the Uni) on Monday 18th December, from 4pm. We need at least 10 people for a 1-hour demo game, and to help run the competition and hand out flyers. This would be a great promotional opportunity for the club, so please help out. We need volunteers ASAP so we can confirm our spot in the festivities. Email Andrew Pennington if you can help.
Longest Day Tournament - Yes, the annual longest day tournament is back. Newcastle will be sending a team again this year. The details are:
When: Sunday, 17th December
Where: North Narrabeen Beach
Time: 9am-6pm
Cost: $10
This is one of the best annual beach tournaments. It will use standard beach ultimate rules (smaller fields, 5-a-side). If you are interested, email Andrew Olennick.

13th November 2000

For 2001, emails will be sent to NUdiscs members and other Newcastle players using an egroup. If you would like to start receiving emails sooner, simply subscribe to the egroup. Send an email to Note that the old email list will still be used until next year.

12th November 2000

There is a hat tournament and schools day planned for next Sunday (19th November), at Macquarie Uni. 

When: Sunday, 12th November 2000
Where: Macquarie University
How Much: $5 entry fee
What do I get: Frisbee, lunch
Other details: A schools coaching clinic will be held at the same time, with some of the experienced players helping out with the schools games. 

I will be going down, and can take another 4 people in my car. So if you are interested, see me at frisbee, or email me. The organisers would like to know how many people are coming down ASAP so they can organise lunch.

Andrew (Ollie) :)

10th November 2000

Change of location for Monday nights!

Oval #2 has been closed for repairs for the next 4 weeks. As a result, Monday night games will be held on Oval #1 for the next four weeks, at the usual time (8pm-10pm)

7th November 2000

Newcastle University's bid to host the 2001 AUC for Ultimate Frisbee has been placed. You can read the bid document on this web site, by clicking on the link above (AUC 2000).