March 2000
Home Up

26th March 2000

The Sports Union today granted the club "Full Affiliation" status. Many thanks to the various people involved, especially Matt Kelly and Chris Tola, for their work on the application to the Sports Union executive.

22nd March 2000

Two messages today:

1. In case you didn't receive it, Sturt has sent an email asking for expressions of interest for AUC. This will be non-binding, but he would let to get an idea of numbers. Also, if might have a car that could be used for the trip, let him know. And further to the cost of the trip, the Sports Union does refund $130 to cover transport costs, but that will only occur after you return from AUC. So you need to be able to pay that amount up front. You can email Sturt at

2. A couple of people have indicated they may be going to the Beginner's Tournament this Sunday. We need to get registrations confirmed ASAP, so please email Andrew ( with your details. The tournament will be on, rain, hail, or shine. A request has also been made by the organisers for any experienced players to help out with coaching. You would be placed in one of the teams with a couple of other experienced players, and also get the free lunch!

20th March 2000

hi guys,
        This is just some information about Adelaide in case you are interested in going. Because it seems clear that it is too expensive for most people to fly, we are now looking at driving. Basically we intend to take a minimum of 12 people, so we will need about 3 cars. We already have possibly two cars, but anybody willing to let us use there car please speak up. We will be getting about $130 back from the sports union for travelling expenses and they will pay any entry fees. 
        I have done some figures and worked out that it will probably cost about $300 per car for fuel for a return trip (car uses 12L/100km, fuel $1/L, return trip 2500km).
        As an incentive for people to let us use their car, any body who allows us to use their car will either not have to pay for petrol, or will get a free service done on their car. However the most likely choice will be the first one.
        So if we have about 4 people per car, it will be free for the owner and cost about $100 for the passengers. We will also have to organise some sort of basic roster so that the driving is shared between everyone. Probably 3 to 4 hours each which isn't too bad. Accomodation is yet to be organised but shouldn't cost any more than $50 because we will probably be staying
in a scout hall or something like that. How much you spend on food will depend on yourself. The organisers usually provide a basic breakfast and dinner is quite often organised as well. So for food you are looking at maybe $50 to $70 at a guess.
        so prices for car owners will probably be about 130(union) - 50 (accomodation) -70 (food) = 0 So basically car owners will get a free trip. For passengers 130 (union) -100 (fuel) -50 (accomodation) -70 (food) = $90 Which is fairly damn cheap for a trip to Adelaide.
I hope that this proposal is a lot more appealing and affordable to everyone.
        The competition is on the last Thur-Sat in the mid year break in july. That means we will have to leave on the wednesday (or maybe earlier) and get back on sunday or monday morning. I hope this won't to an inconvenience for anybody. It should be great fun and you'll meet lots of new people. I'm really looking forward to going and I know others are as well. So if you are keen to go speak up now so we can get everything organised or otherwise we won't be able to
go. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask me or Matt or anyone else See you tonight on no 2.

9th March 2000

Finally a dry day and some hope of frisbee in the near future.

There will be a Beginners Tournament in 2 weeks time (26th March). Those of you who attended last year will remember what a great day it was. I would highly recommend it for any players, both new and those with a couple of tournaments experience. Details are:

Date: Sunday, March 26th,

Where: Cnr of Parkes Drive and Dickens Drive, Centenial Park.

9:00am Registration
10am Games start,
1pm FREE gourmet lunch for participants only.
2am Beginners Playoffs
4pm High Level Demonstration game.

Cost: NIL

Spirit Rules of the Day:

  1. Any player may enter but experienced players must be accompanied by (and register with) a beginner player who has played less than two leagues.
  2. Spirit of the tournament: The aim of the tournament is for beginner players to handle the disc more than experience players. The game should be conducted in a manner that encourages their participation. Any player on or off the field may call a "spirit foul" on experienced players that inadvertently break the following general guidelines.
  3. Hucks: Experienced players should not throw more than one third the length of the field but beginners may throw as far as they wish.
  4. Handling: Beginners should always take the first 3 positions in the stack and be encouraged to pick up the disc on all turnovers. Experienced players picking up the disc shall be deemed to have committed a "spirit foul".
  5. Marking: When experienced players are matched up against a beginner they are expected to mark "reasonably" loosely depending on the ability of the beginner. Where beginners are clogging or not cutting enough to participate, the experienced player is expected to coach the beginner in good tactics.
  6. Unlimited "coaching time outs" are allowed for the purpose of explaining rules but should not last more than one minute.
  7. Format: Round robin of 45m games - 15m breaks. At the end of the round robin a 30m demonstration game by experienced players is followed immediately by a 30 m final, to be between the teams that have accumulated the most points at the end of the round robin.

To register your interest, email Andrew with your details. Hopefully, we can send down a car load or two.

3rd March 2000

Just a few quick news items:

1. The pre-registration date for the Terrigal Towel (see below for details) has been extended. The money is now due at Terrigal on Wednesday. So, if you are still interested, contact Matt by Monday.

2. The club will be running a stall outside Contact on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. If you can help out on these days, please contact Cindy.