30th August 2000
I've added more photos to the AUC 2000 pages (thanks Matt).
Andrew (Ollie) :)
29th August 2000
Hi guys,
This is just a quick message to tell
you that the Ultimate frisbee club will be having a trivia night on September
8th at the uniclub. This is the last day of the term so there should be no
excuses about people having work, so they can't come. It will most likely start
at about 7pm and go through to about 10pm, maybe a bit later. So people can
still go out afterwards if you want.
There will be prizes and lots of hot food, and the bar will
also be open so you can buy drinks if you want. We will probably have tables of
about 6, which you can either work out yourself, or let us do that for you. The
cost will probably be about $5 for members and $6 for non members, but this is
still TBA. I will be sending more emails when we have all the details
We would like as many people as possible to come along
because it will be a great night. Also we won't see each other or play any
frisbee for the next month so it's a good chance to see everyone before the
holidays start. If you are thinking of going home earlier, stay back and then go
home on Saturday. Everybody's welcome so you can bring as many friends along as
you like.
If you are interested in going could you please email me back
ASAP (a blank email will suffice) so I can start organising numbers.
Have a great week and hope to see you on Wednesday night
28th August 2000
The Washington post currently is running a poll on what sport should be included into the Olympics
At this very moment ultimate Frisbee is coming second behind bowling (ten Pin) We need to push up the ratings.
Matt Kelly
Ed: This message was posted on the Message Board.
16th August 2000
A message board has been established (see link above). Now you can post your own news messages. You can use the board for any messages that other frisbee players in Newcastle may be interested in.
There are 2 ways to post messages. If you are an egroups member (if you subscribe to nsw-ultimate or ultimate-unis email lists, then you are a member), simply click on the above link and click on Post. If you are not a member, you can send a message via email. Simply send your message to newcastle-ultimate@egroups.com.
To view current messages, simply click on the above link, and then click either Messages, or the current month in the calendar.
14th August 2000
Here's the details on the 2 tournaments coming up:
Beginner's Day:
![]() | When: Sunday, 20th August @ 9am. |
![]() | Where: Centennial Park, Sydney (see map). |
![]() | Who: Everyone! If you're a beginner, then come along. If you're an expert, we need you too! This is a hat tournament (teams are made by drawing names out of a hat), so you don't need a team to go along. |
![]() | How Much: Free! |
![]() | What do I get: For the beginners, there's training in how to throw, catch, and some basic on-field skills (stack, etc). There is a free lunch, and a high level demo game. |
![]() | How do I get there: I will be going down, and might have a spare seat or two. Otherwise, you can drive down yourself, and take a train to Central and a bus from there (ask for directions if you need them). |
![]() | Anything else: Please contact me if you are going (so I can let the guys down in Sydney know how many lunches to buy), or if you want to ask questions. |
Wollongong IV Tournament:
![]() | When: Sunday, 27th August @ 8:30am (don't forget, this is Daylight Savings time!) |
![]() | Where: Thomas Dalton Park, Fairy Meadow, Wollongong (see map). |
![]() | Who: Everyone! Preferably, we can send a team or 2. We need both guys and girls. If we can't get enough for a team, there are a few Wollongong people who can help make up the numbers. |
![]() | How Much: $8 per player. (If you also want a Wollongong disc, then its $20 for a white one, or $23 for a UV or Glow one (this includes the $8 rego fee)). |
![]() | What do I get: A fun day down at Wollongong, playing against a variety of other University teams (and maybe a swim at the nearby beach - if you're game!) |
![]() | How do I get there: Yet to be decided. We will probably take cars (which means you may be asked for some fuel money as well). We have been offered accommodation in Wollongong to save us getting up early / getting back late. |
![]() | Anything else: We need to get a team together by Friday (18th August). Please see myself or Matthew ASAP. |
Hopefully, we can get some people to both tournaments (just ask the Adelaide guys how much fun it can be!)
Andrew (Ollie) :)
13thAugust 2000
Another email from Pennoes:
Hi, guys! Just a very quick recap on results, which you have prob heard
already, After beating Holland on the 2nd day we played Japan, and played well,
but just made a few too many mistakes on Offense on lost 15-13 in a tight fought
contest. From there, we played very good defence in every other game, but our
offense let us down numerous times - throw aways, a couple of drops, bad
options, etc. It really hurts to work really hard on defense and the get the
block only to turn it over quickly again. And against these top teams, you give
them 1 turnover, and very often they will score, even if the turnover is on
their line.
Anyway, we played, USA, Germany, Finland, CAnada and Sweden, all fantastic
teams, and we came really close to Finland, Canada & Japan all loosing
15-13, VERY frustrating. This morning was probably our worst game against
Sweden. Our offence sucked. We played great defence
and clawed the game to 8-8, then eventually we just turned it over time and
again and the Swedes won 15-9. This arvo we play Great Britain in a game I
really want to win. They have been playing really well, but I think we can beat
them provided we step up and play well.
NB. Great Britain won 17-15 : what a game that must have been!!!
9th August 2000
Andrew Pennington (Pennoes) has sent this email from the World Ultimate Championships in Germany (If you didn't get a copy and would like to put on the email list, contact Sturt):
Hi all!
I have been having a lovely time over here in Germany. For the week before
worlds I have been with the team, travelling around Germany, Switzerland, a bit
of Austria and a touch of France.
Our first two games at Worlds yesterday went well. It was an easy day for us
playing two teams that were appearing for the first time at Worlds, Slovakia and
Ireland. We won comfortably, 15-3, and 15-1 respectively.
Today is a far more important day for us, in that it decides whether or not we
make the top pool. There are four pools of 5 teams, and the top 2 teams go up to
play in the top pool. The teams in our pool are us, the two above mentioned,
Holland and Japan.
Japan is seeded 2nd because they were runners up at the last worlds, and we have
never beaten Holland before, so we had to beat one of the teams to move up, and
Holland was the team to beat because Japan beat Holland yesterday.
Anyway, the good news is that we beat the Dutch (sorry Roger!!) 15-9, which is
the first win for us against the Dutch. We really stepped up the pace, and
played well to win. This arvo we have a game against Japan, which doesn't matter
in the sense of whether we will go up to the top pool, but we would certainly
like to beat them and be first in our pool. Anyway, I'll let you know how we go,
although you will probably hear on nsw-ultimate if you are subscribed.
Well, take care all, hope you are enjoying Mon & Wed night Ultimate.
Talk to you all later!!
7th August 2000
I've added links (on the links page!) to 2 useful sites. The first is a site found by Matt, called What is Ultimate Frisbee? The other is the web site for the 2000 World Ultimate Championships.
4th August 2000 (again!)
Tournaments Galore! Within 24 hours, we've had 2 tournaments announced. The first is the Beginner's Tournament (see below). The other is the popular Wollongong Tournament. Hosted by the Wollongong Uni frisbee club, it is planned for Sunday, 27th August. See Matt or myself if you're interested in going.
Andrew (Ollie)
4th August 2000
The next Beginners Tournament is being held on the 20th August. This is a regular event held at Centennial Park, Sydney. More details will be coming soon, but for anyone who has only started frisbee and wants to have a fun day out - this is the place to go. I will be going down, so if anyone wants to a lift, see me at frisbee, or email me.
Andrew (Ollie) :)
3rd August 2000
The refunds from AUC are now available. You must go to the Sports Union (top floor of The Forum) with your student card to get your cheque.