2000 AGM
Home Up

University of Newcastle    C/- Sport Union
Ultimate Frisbee Club    Sports and Aquatic Centre
nudiscs@start.com.au    University Drive
nudiscs.tripod.com    Callaghan NSW 2308

9 October 2000

Dear Member,

It’s that time of year again! The Annual General Meeting for 2000 is now upon us.

It is to be held on the Friday 27 October 2000, at the Ray Watt Pavilion at Ray Watt Oval. The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm with dinner being held after the meeting. Dinner will be of no cost to members.

Positions that will be voted on the night are: -


Vice – President


Treasurer and

Social Co-ordinator

Nominations for these positions need to be given to the secretary Trudi Wilson by Wednesday 25 October 2000 by 9:00 pm.

Nominations must be in writing and sent to the above address or handed to me (Matthew) at training times in an envelope marked "Secretary".

A nomination form is attached and if you require more there are a multitude of photocopiers around the University. Both the nominee as well as the seconder must sign nominations. Both nomine and seconder must also be current financial members of the Ultimate Frisbee Club. See Sturt Wilson if you are unsure if you are a member or not.

Any enquiries about these positions may be e-mailed to nudiscs@start.com.au and these will then be directed to the current person in that position.


Matthew Kelly

Club President.


Nomination Form


I would like to be placed on the ballot for the position of ____________________________.

Name of Nominee: __________________________________________________________.

Student Number: ____________________________________________________________.

Signature: __________________________________________________________________.

Name of Seconder: __________________________________________________________.

Student Number: ____________________________________________________________.

Signature: __________________________________________________________________.



Office Use Only

Date Received: __/10/2000

Signature: ________________________________

Application Accepted: ______________________