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The University of Newcastle Ultimate Frisbee Club (NUdiscs) was officially formed at our Inaugural General Meeting on the 7th of May, 1998. We are officially affiliated with The University of Newcastle Sports Union and The University of Newcastle Union. 

The club's aim is to "encourage, foster, publicise, promote, develop, extend, organise, and control the sport of Ultimate Frisbee for the benefit of the students and staff of the University".

We are a group of people who, through frisbee, get together to have fun. We regularly meet on the field to throw a disc or two around, but also get together for various other activities, ranging from boat cruises to paintball competitions.

A little background on Ultimate Frisbee: Ultimate is a fast growing, fast moving team sport which combines aspects of many popular sports. The frisbee, or disc, is thrown between players on the same team with the intent of catching a throw in the end zone. Any pass which is not caught by offence is a turnover, and the defence takes control. The game is played on a rectangular field such as a football field. The team with the most points after the allotted time (usually 1 hour) wins. One of the unique aspects of Ultimate is that there are no referees. All games are played with the implied agreement of honesty and sportsmanship between all players.

For information about Ultimate Frisbee locally, click on Admin.

For more general information about Ultimate, have a look at What Is Ultimate Frisbee?, or go to our Links page.